Release Notes

Release Notes

Version 10.0.1

June 24, 2024
  1. Quality of Life Release: This update includes performance optimizations, enhancements to the end-user experience, and bug fixes for improved functionality.
  2. BrowseReporter - Tracker Optimization: Reduced CPU usage on specific application window tabs.
  3. BrowseReporter - New Lightweight Browser Tracker: Introduced a new tracker in BrowseReporter that reduces browsing slowdowns on heavy content web pages.
  4. Fixed the AD sync process to ensure it runs every 24 hours.
  5. Fixed an issue causing Sites Visited reports to fail when sending via email.
  6. Fixed minor data mismatches in application, productivity, and logon reports.
  7. Fixed an issue where the AccessPatrol tracking warning dialog box appeared unexpectedly for non-storage devices.
  8. Fixed a rare issue where the CurrentWare license reverted to a trial license when selecting an existing database during a fresh install.
  9. Added an option to disable AV vendor tracking to optimize CPU usage on the clients

Version 10.0.0

May 28, 2024
  • Location Tracking Using MAC addresses for VPN usersEnhanced coverage for VPN based users to ensure location data is as accurate as possible. (BrowseReporter)
  • BrowseReporter Dashboard UI Redesign and Improvements - Reworked location of filter options, date picker, widgets and many more. (BrowseReporter)
  • BrowseReporter Shortcuts for URLs, Category Allowed/Blocked List & Idle AlertAbility to use BrowseReporter in conjunction with BrowseControl to easily pull URLs or Categories from your tracked data to add to an Allowed or Blocked list. New option to also setup Idle time based alerts from Idle time data. (BrowseReporter & BrowseControl)
  • BrowseReporter New Employee Productivity Report - Daily app usage report, with updates to provide browsing info, and summary page for the week. (BrowseReporter)
  • BrowseReporter Dashboard Speed Improvements - Substantial improvements and optimizations on dashboards which allow for faster loading data and tables. (BrowseReporter)
  • Client Upgrade Status Report - Report to be able to follow along and ensure your clients upgraded to the latest version.  (CurrentWare Suite)
  • Unified License Key to Streamline Registration - One unified license key for that can license all 4 solutions at once. (CurrentWare Suite)
  • Today’s Insight - Consolidate Users/PC Activity option added for users that use multiple PC/machines. (BrowseReporter)
  • Framework upgrades for UI and security improvements
  • Improve AccessPatrol alert sending
  • Allow more special characters in Application Blocker
  • Added a confirmation warning when deleting computers or users
  • Improve archive database feature
  • Various bug fixes

Version 9.0.2

Jan 25, 2024

  • Live Capture – Remotely view employee screens and take real-time screenshots on-demand; combine with trigger-based and interval-based screenshots for complete coverage. (BrowseReporter)
  • Timeline View – Get immediate insights into user activity patterns with an at-a-glance overview of when they’re actively using their computers. (BrowseReporter)
  • Login Sessions Dashboard – Readily see how user logon/logoff times correspond with their active and idle time from a convenient dashboard. (BrowseReporter)
  • Control Keyboards, Mice and other HID devices – Allow specific HID devices, such as company authorized keyboards & mice, and block all other keyboard mice not on the allowed list. (AccessPatrol)
  • Last Used Apps/Websites – View each users’ last accessed time for specific apps/websites for greater insights into recent activity. (BrowseReporter)
  • Audit Log Summary Email – Send audit logs to an admin at a scheduled time.
  • Download/Upload Email Alerts – Get alerts when users download, upload, or transfer files with high-risk keywords. (AccessPatrol)
  • Blocked status on AP Dashboard – See what downloads and uploads have been blocked based on your device policies. (AccessPatrol)
  • Data Activity Reports – 2 new system reports highlighting computers with missing data and tracking total daily data uploads.
  • AccessPatrol Allowed list – added an optional step to apply the allowed list to multiple groups during setup. (AccessPatrol)
  • Added an option to automatically populate the default SQL credential in the installer.
  • Added a new port (8988) for client communicating with the cwServer when using the Live Capture feature.
  • Fixed an issue in passive mode showing some logged off computers as disconnected.
  • Added client service commands (Stop/Restart/Uninstall Client) on Passive mode.
  • Fixed a minor security issue with log files and connection strings.
  • Optimized computer list loading when searching computers from AD in Remote Client Install.
  • Optimized the AP exclusion list from sporadic SQL CPU spikes.
  • Added an option to enable/disable “Upload Exclude Files from Client”.
  • Fixed a data upload issue caused by an incorrect JSON string.
  • Fixed an issue with “Save a copy of reports to” not functioning.
  • Added and edited tooltips for better insights.

Read the v9.0.2 blog article

Version 9.0.1

Oct 18, 2023

  • Streamlined Access Code Generator — This allows end-users to request a single-use and time-limited exemption to their AccessPatrol device restrictions directly from the CurrentWare client. Admins respond to incoming requests from the web console.
  • Bulk URL Reclassification — Bulk override the default web content categories used by BrowseReporter and BrowseControl.
  • Request Access Link for Category Filtering — Optionally provide your users with an unblock request link when a website is blocked with BrowseControl’s category filter.
  • Tooltip Data Insights — We’ve added tooltips to various dashboard tables that provide additional details at-a-glance
  • Bug Fixes & Security Enhancements — The CurrentWare team is committed to providing secure and reliable software. This release further hardens the security and reliability of our platform with additional backend optimizations.

Read the v9.0.1 blog article

Version 9.0.0

Aug 23, 2023

  • Continuous Screenshots — Take continuous screenshots of employee desktops at a specific interval. Automatically delete old screenshots to limit storage space.
  • Location Insights — Promote flexibility without sacrificing accountability with insights into how location flexibility affects employee engagement and productivity.
  • Block Downloads — BrowseControl’s new and improved File Filter allows you to prevent specific files from being downloaded from any website.
  • Track Downloads/Uploads — Get insights into what files are being uploaded and downloaded on any website.
  • Cloud DLP — Protect sensitive data by selectively restricting file uploads and downloads to cloud storage services.
  • Track Network Drives — Monitor file transfer activities across network share drives to track the flow of data.
  • Average time – identify patterns and trends in employee productivity over time and take action to address any issues that may negatively impact productivity.
  • Daily & Weekly Summary Emails – get your team’s productivity performance and security insights directly in your inbox.
  • Optimized database storage by purging unused data.
  • Updated the AccessPatrol Exclusion list to better filter file names and file types from the dashboard.
  • Added date range selection to the Active & Idle time with Logon & Logoff events report.
  • Added Remote Client Install for ease of client deployment from the CurrentWare web console.
  • And 12 other bug fixes.

Read the v9.0 blog article

Version 8.0.1

May 16, 2023

  • Improved Tracking — Track app titles, get minute-by-minute insights into app use, track attempts to launch apps blocked by BrowseControl, performance improvements, and more!
  • Exclusion List for BrowseReporter — Have a user you want to exempt from BrowseReporter’s reports, alerts, and dashboards? Simply add them to the new Users Exclusion List!
  • Integrated Email Delivery System — No need to configure your own SMTP/Exchange Server. Simply set up your email reports & alerts and they’ll be sent to the chosen inboxes from the CurrentWare console.
  • Active Directory Selective Sync — Don’t want to sync your entire AD environment? In v8.0.1 you can pick the exact OUs you want to sync to the CurrentWare console.
  • New Warning Message For AccessPatrol — Optionally display a warning message every time a USB device is inserted into a PC, whether or not it’s blocked. Remind users they’re being tracked and need to follow your removable media policy.
  • Misc Updates, Security Improvements, and Bug Fixes — HTTPS certificates for the web console, upgrades to frameworks, and more!

Read the v8.0.1 blog article

Version 8.0.0

Feb 1, 2023

  • Today’s Insight: real-time updates on team and user activities, productivity, and availability provide managers with valuable insights into their employees’ work.
  • Client Connectivity: enhancements to the stability and reliability of client-server connections ensure fewer interruptions in data uploads and fewer connection disruptions.
  • Custom Dashboards: users can add new dashboards from existing widgets to display data that fits their business needs. Choose from over 20 available widgets in BrowseReporter to monitor employee productivity, time spent on websites/apps, USB file transfer history, etc.
  • Drill down on productivity charts: drilling down into these details will provide managers with a deeper understanding of their team’s productivity.
  • Brave Browser support: track website activities when your users use the Brave browser, with the ability to filter specific websites and categories.
  • Account management (reclaim licenses): easily sort computers by “last connected” and bulk delete multiple computers in one go.
  • Add drag and drop to the computer and user list views
  • Improve cwServer Installer
  • View client logs from web console during troubleshooting
  • Update the main menu with modern designs
  • Added “What’s new” in-app under the left hand side menu

Read the v8.0 blog article

Version 7.0.2

Sept 27, 2022
  • Group Productivity Grading: allow administrators to classify websites, applications and web categories differently for each group. For example, can be classified as productive for one group and unproductive for another. Learn more
  • Audit Log: CurrentWare records any activities and accesses within the web console to help you answer “who did what, where, and when?”. Enabling audit logs helps your security, auditing, and compliance entities monitor CurrentWare data for possible vulnerabilities or data misuse. Learn more
  • Two way file transfer blocking: in the previous versions of AccessPatrol, block file transfer only works one way – blocking file transfer from PCs to devices. In this release, it will block file transfers from both PCs to devices and devices to PCs. Learn more
  • Block Original File Extensions: using file signatures to prevent users from bypassing AccessPatrol’s block file transfer by renaming their files. For example, if company policy allows .PDF files only and a user tries to circumvent that by renaming their files .PDF, AccessPatrol can identify the original file extensions and block the file transfers. Learn more
  • Block File Transfer Allowed List: added an allowed list to AccessPatrol’s existing Block File Transfer feature. Learn more
  • BrowseReporter Dashboard Drill down reports: get granular data on websites and application activities directly on the dashboard. Easily see who your top users are for a specific website or application. Learn more
  • Improved Dashboard tables: added table footers to aggregate the sum of active times and average of productivity scores. 
  • Optimized delete computer process: 10x faster in deleting computers from large databases. 
  • Fixed an issue with glitched users being added randomly
  • Updated icons and added favicons to BrowseReporter dashboard
  • Fixed minor calculation issues on the dashboard and legacy .pdf reports

Read the v7.0.2 blog article

Version 7.0.1

May 27, 2022
  • Application Productivity: application usage is now part of the productivity score calculation. With a new and improved grading system that includes both web usage grading and application grading in one.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: secure web console login with a time-based one-time password (TOTP) sent via SMS or via an authentication app. Learn more
  • 2 New Admin Activity Logs
    • Web Console Login Activity: provides records of the operators and administrators that have logged into the CurrentWare Web Console. Learn more
    • BrowseControl Client Policy Updates: provides a simple and convenient way for administrators to verify that their security policies are being received as expected by each of their client computers. Learn more
  • Weekly Performance Report Email: this new email report for BrowseReporter sends a summary of your team’s productivity over the course of the week. Learn more
  • Improved Email Client: greatly improve the performance and usability of email reports and alerts, particularly for large organizations with several alerts and reports configured.
  • Dashboard Performance: the performance of BrowseReporter’s dashboards has been significantly improved, allowing them to load a greater quantity of data much faster.
  • Tracking Improvements for BrowseReporter: track Intranet web pages, portals, and IP Addresses.

Read the v7.0.1 blog article

Version 7.0.0

Feb 23, 2022
  • Data Dashboards for AccessPatrol — easily review file operations, USB device usage, device access activity, and file transfers to portable storage devices of your entire workforce from the convenience of the Web Console.
  • Block Bluetooth, Allow Bluetooth Audio — allow Bluetooth audio devices such as headphones and microphones while blocking other Bluetooth peripherals that transfer data to and from your computers.
  • Idle Time Alerts for BrowseReporter — get optional email alerts when a computer has been inactive for a set period of time
  • Quality of Life Improvements — new user operator permissions, improved desktop screenshot performance, misc optimizations & bug fixes
  • Fully compatible with Windows 11

Read the v7.0.0 blog article

Version 6.0.3

Nov 24, 2021
  • Fixed an issue with BrowseControl’s Allowed/Blocked list not updating due to blocked web service connections. Added two new socket ports, 8995 & 8996, to strengthen data transfers.
  • Fixed a few issues with licensing and SQL, where some users are not showing up on the web console.
  • Improved the installation and upgrade process with better IIS configuration scripts.
  • Improved the operator account creation process during the installation & upgrade process.
  • Fixed an issue where the Top 5 Website chart was showing duplicate websites.
  • Improved the trial extension process by prompting the users to assign licenses to their computers.
  • And 20 other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.0.2

Oct 13, 2021

  • Introducing the all-new Web Dashboard! An exciting new look for BrowseReporter. Valued report information will be available directly through the web console rather than running PDF reports. Get granular data from top-level company reports all the way to individual users drill downs by the hour. Learn more
  • Classify Categories locally for BrowseControl. Reassign website categories to make it easier to configure web filtering policies. Similar to the recent change in 6.0.1 for reclassifying websites in BrowseReporter. Learn more
  • Added the ability to clone Operator accounts for faster account creations. Learn more
  • Fixed an issue with licenses being removed unexpectedly due to database encryption. 
  • Fixed an issue with Windows Authentication not configured correctly on some Web Console services. 
  • Fixed an issue with custom HTTPS certificates not retained after upgrade.
  • And 30 other bug fixes and feature updates.

See more on our blog

Version 6.0.1

July 7, 2021

  • Capture screenshots: Capture high-resolution compressed screenshots of users’ computers to uncover risks and unproductive activities. Screenshots will be captured when users browse to a specific website or launch a specific application. It will capture the screenshot after 1 minute of user activity. The capture time can be adjusted during capture creation. BR will only capture a single screenshot per web page session or active application session. After a screenshot is captured, BR will only capture another screenshot if the user visits a different web page or runs another application.
  • Deprecating Firebird Database & Migrating to SQL only: SQL Express will replace Firebird as the default CurrentWare database. SQL Express performs much better than Firebird in every way. Existing customers will have to migrate their Firebird database to SQL during the software upgrade process.
  • Automatically add any new computers/users in a folder to Report Profiles: Once a report profile is created, administrators no longer need to update the report profile when a new computer/user is added to the group. It will automatically add them to the report profile and run off their existing email schedules and email alerts.
  • AD Sync in Web Console: An important feature for enterprise user management is now available on the web console.
  • Reclassify Categories for BR reports: Allow system admins to reclassify the default website categories. When BrowseReporter productivity reports are not showing the correct categories of your websites, you can use this feature to change them to the appropriate category.
  • Bulk Editor for BC URL Filter and AP Allowed List: Add and remove URLs/devices to multiple groups on BC’s allowed/blocked list and AP’s device allowed list.
  • Allow users to request Internet access to blocked websites: Add a link to the BC blocked message to let users email administrators to request access to blocked websites.
  • And 50 other bug fixes and feature updates.

Read the v6.0.1 blog article

Version 6.0.0

March 31, 2021

  • New modern CurrentWare Web Console. Manage your users, policies and run reports from the convenience of a web browser. No need to install multiple CurrentWare Consoles, simply access the web console remotely and log in.
  • Added a new feature in BrowseReporter – End Users Reports: grant users access to see their website and application activity reports on their computers. – Web Console Exclusive
  • Added group summary to 4 reports in BrowseReporter:
    • Top 10 Categories by Browsing Time
    • Top 30 Domains by Browsing Time
    • Employee Productivity
    • Top 10 Applications by Active Time
  • Prepackaged the setup file with the SQL Express installer.
  • Added an option to sort source & destination groups alphabetically in “Copy Group Settings”.
  • Fixed a bug where application data wasn’t uploading to the server properly.
  • Fixed a bug with the application usage report displaying more than 60 mins per hour.
  • 11 other bug fixes & minor improvements.

Read the v6.0.0 blog article

Version 5.5.3

Jan 4, 2021

  • CurrentWare is now available in Japanese request the download link from our team
    • cwConsole displaying fully in Japanese.
    • Added Unicode support to our database, which supports Japanese characters in user names and our data tables.
  • Fixed an issue with BrowseControl not updating the Allowed/Blocked List to the clients properly when the data upload port is blocked.
  • Fixed an issue with a small number of clients connecting to “loopback” after the client upgrade process failed to access the registry to retrieve the server name.
  • Added a new report to enPowerManager – Client Connectivity Report
  • Added an option to delete enPowerManager data.
  • Improved the login time tracking of enPowerManager reports.
  • Fixed an issue with AccessPatrol not tracking portable device files if the cwClient is restarted in offline mode.
  • Fixed an issue with BrowseControl’s Custom Allowed/Blocked List not updating on Internet Scheduler if the “Apply to Clients” button wasn’t clicked.
  • Fixed a bug with BrowseControl blocking the text input fields in Firefox if the filtering mode is set to UIA and the user types in a period.
  • Fixed a bug with BrowseReporter losing small amounts of application data during offline mode.
  • 16 other bug fixes & minor improvements.

Version 5.5.2

Sept 30, 2020

  • Added 2 new reports to enPowerManager – User Logon & Logoff History & Computer Startup & Shut down History.
  • Added Location Tracking by IP address to 4 BrowseReporter reports – Sites Visited, Employee Productivity, Top Domain & Top Categories by Browsing Time.
  • Improved the cwConsole performance for setup with more than 500+ computers by reducing the load time of the list and windows.
  • Added Access Code Generator to AccessPatrol User Mode.
  • Enhanced AccessPatrol’s Block File Extensions to Block File Transfers.
  • Added the Internet ON/OFF option on BrowseControl’s URL Filter window.
  • Added Portable Devices to AccessPatrol’s File Tracking.
  • Improved the readability of BrowseReporter’s Bandwidth Usage by URL report.
  • Added an option to Block all except Wifi in AccessPatrol.
  • Optimized client performance by splitting the client into multiple processes.
  • Reduced the overhead of website tracking on Chrome browsers to improve end-user browsing experiences.
  • Removed the excluded applications that were hardcoded into the client for application tracking.

Read the v5.5.2 blog article

Version 5.5.101

July 22, 2020

  • Fixed a client connection issue caused by hostname resolution (related to IPv6 connections)

Version 5.5.1

May 27, 2020

Version 5.4.3

Feb 4, 2020

  • Added Email Alerts to AccessPatrol to monitor files operations and devices accessed activities
  • Enhanced AccessPatrol’s Allowed List to include imaging devices, portable devices, and encrypted USB devices
  • Added another unique identifier to AccessPatrol’s Allowed List – PNP Device ID
  • Added Block File Extensions to prevent specific file types from being transferred to external devices.
  • Added Active Directory Import for Windows users and organizational units
  • Improved client connectivity when connecting more than 500 computers
  • Added exclusion list to filter data from the AccessPatrol device reports
  • Added port range to BrowseControl’s Port Filter
  • Added Web Services as a fail-over for AccessPatrol data upload
  • BrowseControl is compatible with the latest Microsoft Edge Chromium browser
  • Improved access to the CurrentWare Client configuration window

Version 5.4.2

Oct 4, 2019

  • Improved BrowseReporter’s data upload process with web services
  • Moved the cwClient to a different folder to improve security
  • Added monthly frequency with email reports
  • URL filter is now compatible with IP addresses
  • Fixed a performance issue with BrowseControl and Firefox browsers
  • Fixed a few bugs with BrowseReporter’s reports

Version 5.4.1

June 19, 2019

  • Redesigned all of BrowseReporter’s reports.
  • Redesigned all of AccessPatrol’s reports.
  • Merged the File Operation History Report and the File Transfer Report.
  • Added a new AccessPatrol feature called Access Code Generator – to provide temporary access to endpoint devices.
  • Added User Mode support to AccessPatrol’s device tracking.
  • Added an option to Redirect Clients (push method) from an old cwServer to a new cwServer.
  • Reduced data upload size for Bandwidth tracking to fix data upload issues.
  • Fixed a bug in BrowseReporter that caused browsing slowness on certain portal websites on Chrome.
  • Fixed an issue where the cwClient caused Internet loss during the client upgrade.
  • Optimized enPowerManager’s Wake on LAN option.

Version 5.3.3

Feb. 1, 2019

  • Introduced UIA filtering technology to BrowseControl.
  • Added User Mode support for AccessPatrol.
  • Optimized bandwidth tracking to reduce database file size.
  • Improved enPowerManager’s Wake on LAN functionality.
  • Fixed an issue where the cwConsole closes every 50 minutes.
  • Enhanced AccessPatrol’s available device list.
  • Enhanced the CWUserActivity.log.
  • Added an option to restart the cwServer periodically.
  • Added an option to delete bandwidth data.
  • Fixed an issue with the hyperlinks not working in the Sites Visited report.
  • Added AccessPatrol device data and Bandwidth data to the Auto Delete Scheduler.
  • Reduce the BrowseReporter logo file size down to 10KB.
  • Added Web service as a backup method for updating BrowseControl’s URL lists.

Version 5.3.2

Nov. 9, 2018

  • Added the option to Show Specific Category to “URL Categories Visited” and “Top N Categories by Browsing Time”
  • Added Categories blocked in the cwBlockedURL.log. Improved UI for this option on the cwConsole
  • Added Database Compression, Backup and Restore, Auto Delete Scheduler for SQL database
  • Fixed an issue with the cwServer not starting when it loses connection to the SQL/Firebird database.
  • Fixed an issue where BrowseControl sometimes blocks Internal IP addresses
  • Fixed a few issues with AccessPatrol’s Device Allowed list
  • Integrate Block QUIC traffic into the cwMetroClient – Enabled by default
  • Optimize cwClient upgrade
  • Added cwClientSetup Installer log
  • Added a new option in Enable Stricter Handshake – Computer name only: Renaming a computer will result in only one entry on the console

Version 5.3.1

July 30, 2018

  • BrowseReporter URL tracking is now compatible with Chrome v68 (released on July 25)
  • Fixed an issue with Auto Delete Scheduler deleting BrowseReporter data unintentionally

Version 5.3.0

July 5, 2018

  • New Database Support – Microsoft SQL Server
  • Includes a Database Migration tool to migrate your existing FireBird database to SQL
  • New AP report – File Transfer History with source and destination locations
  • AccessPatrol will display a warning message when a user plugs in a blocked device
  • Added encrypted USB to device allowed list
  • Easy Database Upgrade Tool
  • Improved cwMetroClient performance
  • Email alerts will now display the last URL and Domain visited that triggered the alert
  • Remote Client Install – Export results in a log file
  • Added a command line switch to uninstall the cwClient
  • Added Antivirus information in the cwClient.log
  • URL Filter Optimized – validate URL format before adding it to the lists
  • Fixed a bug with the productivity report not allowing dashes in the URL
  • Fixed a bug with Category Filtering subscription expiring prematurely
  • Fixed an issue with tracking websites from French Chrome
  • Fixed a data upload issue when the URL CUID = 0
  • Fixed an issue with blocking specific SDHC cards

Version 5.2.7

March 7, 2018

  • Fixed an issue with BrowseReporter not tracking data on Firefox 64-bit browsers
  • Fixed an issue cwTrack.exe and cwClient.exe crashing randomly

Version 5.2.6

Jan 26, 2018

  • Added a new feature to save a copy of the report (during the scheduled email reports)
  • Added a new language – Dutch
  • Reduced the file size of the default BrowseReporter logo in the reports
  • Fixed an issue that was causing upload slowness
  • Fixed a few issues related to the stability of the cwClient
  • Fixed a bug that caused Category Filtering subscription to expire prematurely

Version 5.2.5

Nov 24, 2017

  • Added a new feature to enforce Google Safe Search
  • HTTPS Advanced Settings is now compatible with Windows 7 and 8
  • Added a new report – Social Media Activity by Domain
  • Added an option to move a computer to another folder in the right-click menu
  • Optimized cwAgent code for better caching
  • Fixed a bug with the USB File Transfer History report
  • Added an option to block Cortana’s Web Search (Tools > Client Settings > Internet Connection)
  • Added scripts to enforce Firefox settings
  • Fixed a bug that causes cwTrack.exe to crash
  • Fixed a bug that causes cwAgent.exe to crash relating to MSVCR90.dll
  • Reordered the BrowseControl menu items

Version 5.2.4

Sept 22, 2017

  • Fixed a bug with BrowseControl’s Category Filtering
  • Fixed a bug with BrowseReporter’s data upload format

Version 5.2.3

Sept 1, 2017

  • Added an option to omit users with no data in AccessPatrol
  • Added a warning message when blocking WiFi network adapters
  • Fixed an issue with AccessPatrol blocking USB ethernet adapter
  • Added additional log file for remote client install

Version 5.2.2

August 9, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with AccessPatrol causing BSOD in some special cases
  • Added an option to enable stricter client connection handshake
  • Optimized Bandwidth tracking for HTTPS websites
  • Added external hard drive to the USB File Transfer History report
  • Added a feature to allow devices by serial number in AccessPatrol
  • Added a feature to export some reports in .CSV format

Version 5.2.1

June 26, 2017

  • BrowseReporter is compatible with Microsoft Edge version 40
  • Added links additional links in the cwConsole for licensing support and live chat
  • Fixed a few minor bugs with the cwClient

Version 5.2.0

June 1, 2017

  • HTTPS Filtering for allowing or blocking full URLs (Windows 10 only). 
  • AccessPatrol – Block New device – USB Ethernet Adapter
  • Enable Group Tree in BrowseReporter reports by default
  • Sign Windivert with MS Hardware signature
  • Fixed an issue with AccessPatrol blocking the latest smartphone devices
  • Fixed a cwClient agent issue related to ntdll.dll

Version 5.1.5

May 9, 2017

  • Added an option to switch web filtering mode from cwMetroClient to cwClient for Windows 10 and Windows 2016 computers.
  • Added compatibility with Windows Server 2016.
  • Optimized the CurrentWare Console to improve load speed (applicable to networks with 500+ PCs/users)

Version 5.1.4

March 14, 2017

  • Added an option to rename Category names for Category reports.
  • Added a notification to the Internet scheduler to remind users when the Internet is about to be turned off.
  • Added an option to automatically assign a license when a new computer connects.
  • Added an option to disable QUIC traffic (Block UDP).
  • Added advanced settings in the installer to toggle the installation of required components.
  • Added an option to configure Firebird port in cwClient.
  • Created a Command line to change client, upload, and firebird ports.
  • Set the Default option for “URL Categories Visited” and “URL Category Summary” to “All Categories”.
  • Fixed an issue with Category lookup not working with Proxy Server settings.
  • Fixed a Quota Settings bug that causes Internet OFF on some client computers.
  • Enhanced the License Expiry Methods for Category Filtering.
  • Fixed a bug with the ‘Available device list’ UI showing blank in AccessPatrol due to an arithmetic exception in the stored procedure.
  • Fixed a bug with Remote Client Install Finished with Server name -I (dash I).
  • Fixed a bug with Hotfix validation changes preventing Remote Client install to start.
  • Updated driver files to prevent Windows 10 from prompting Digital Signature.
  • Fixed an issue with Application Tracking data not showing in reports with a different date format.

Version 5.1.3

Dec 28, 2016

  • Added a new report – Category Drill Down.
  • Added an option to include a Horizontal graph to the Top 10 Domains by Browsing Time report.
  • Added an option to view the cwBlockedURL.log file from the cwConsole.
  • Added an option to import blocked URLs into the URL Filter.
  • Added a recovery routine for BrowseControl’s Web Filtering process.
  • Improve the speed of Category Filtering.
  • Fixed a few minor issues with AccessPatrol reports.
  • Fixed an issue with digital signature affecting one of BrowseControl’s minor processes.
  • Optimized cwClient to reduce “Server Busy: Switch to” error from Chrome and Firefox.

Version 5.1.2

Oct 26, 2016

  • New Report – Employee Productivity Report. Assign categories and websites that are productive or unproductive to your company, to access the overall efficiency of your employees.
  • New Report – Social Media Activity. Display activities exclusively from the social media category.
  • New Report – Search Engine Keywords. Tracking of search engine keywords by your employees.
  • Added the “Run Backup Now” button on the Database Backup Scheduler to perform a one-time backup.
  • Added an easier way to install additional CurrentWare Solutions on the CurrentWare Console.
  • Added an option to select Categories in Email Alerts.
  • Added a new feature to log blocked URLs to help identify URLs to be added to the Allowed list.
  • Implemented a new methodology to detect missing cwProvider layers (BrowseControl) and reinstall the layers automatically.
  • Fixed an issue with the Remote Client Uninstall does not happen on slower computers.
  • Added a delay to the BrowseReporter warning message and show the client icon in the system tray.
  • Removed a bug with email format validation in the Email Settings for Microsoft Exchange Server.
  • Optimized duplicate computer name validation by using MAC address as the unique identifier.
  • Added a separate log file for automatic client upgrades.
  • Resolved an issue causing high CPU usage on Windows 10 client computers.
  • The quota measurement in Quota Limit has changed. Only Internet browsers will affect the quota.

Version 5.1.1

Sept 12, 2016

  • BrowseReporter is compatible with the latest version of Chrome (version 53)
  • Enhanced Category Filtering with URL-based filtering for Search Criteria
  • Fixed an issue with USB tracking not working when multiple drives are connected
  • Modified Installer compression method

Version 5.1.0

July 7, 2016

  • New BrowseReporter Feature – Tracking Application Usage.
  • 4 new reports for Application Usage.
  • Optimized Exclusion List, Tracking Scheduler, and Delete Data for Application Usage.
  • Added more details to the upload message from Request latest data/
  • Enhanced Internet Scheduler by listing the status (Enabled or Disabled) on the the window.
  • Removed URL limits from Internet Scheduler’s Custom Allowed or Blocked list.
  • Removed the one minute gap discrepancy between each schedule on the Internet scheduler.
  • Added more categories to Category Filtering
  • Display Warning message is compatible with HTML codes
  • enPowerManager – Added the option to enable or disable Require a password on Wakeup
  • Database Scheduler – Added the option to change backup location
  • Added Search capability in the License Management window
  • Added maintenance reminder to keep your support plan up to date.
  • Added new log – CWUserActivity.log
  • Added a link to provide product feedback
  • Upgraded to .NET Framework v3.5
  • Note:
    Windows XP is not compatible with version 5.1 onwards.

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