When a user who has been set up to access CurrentWare with Single Sign-On opens the login page, they can click the Single Sign-On option to initiate the authentication process.
We use an integration platform to facilitate the secure link to your Identity Provider. The user is authenticated directly with your Identity provider, and the authentication status is then sent back to CurrentWare.
Which Identity Provider do you intend to use
Organization name (for us to identify your account)
Name and contact details (if not yourself) of the point of contact who will be configuring the Identity Provider integration
How many operators you intend to enable Single Sign-On for
Email domain of of the users who will use Single Sign-On (this is used as part of the authentication process)
Your CurrentWare web console domain and port (this is used as part of the validation process).
Go back to the “Operators” tab
Click “Add Operator”
Select “SSO” as the authentication
Type in a username (this is used to identify this account in audit logs)
Type in the principal email address of the user as recorded in your Identity Provider
Click “Add”
Sign out of your current admin account
On the login screen click “Single Sign-On”
Log in to your Identity Provider with valid credentials
You should now be logged in to CurrentWare under the SSO operator account created earlier
Repeat the above steps to create the other operator accounts for Single Sign-On. You can also enable SSO for existing local users.
This option ensures that only Single Sign-On is allowed for logging into CurrentWare, and so all local accounts cannot be used. This includes no access to Winform console if applicable.
Open Settings > Operators > Single Sign-On
Enable the option for “Enforce SSO for operator accounts
Click “Apply”
After entering the organization ID and callback URI domain, the “Open SSO setup portal” button is not enabled
Ensure you have clicked the “Save” button to apply and verify the values
Ensure the Organization ID and Callback URI Domain match the values with from the CurrentWare team, including case sensitivity
Check your server has access to the internet and check if your firewall or other security system hasn’t blocked the integration platform URL “api.workos.com”
After setting up the identity provider, and testing the connection, it fails with an error
If the error mentions the domain, then verify that this domain has been provided to the CurrentWare team
If the error mentions redirect URI, then verify that the URI matches the information provided to the CurrentWare team
When trying to login using SSO, the error says the operator account is missing
An admin needs to create an operator account first, and the email address has to match the email address in the Identity provider profile for that user
Create a role or group specifically for allocating users who should have access to CurrentWare
When configuring the application, your Identity Provider should have the ability to limit Single Sign-On to specific users defined by the role or group. You can then add/remove users from that group to manage single sign-on access.
At this time CurrentWare does not support Identity Provider initiated sign-on flow (where a user opens CurrentWare from the Identity Provider portal). Therefore, it is best to disable this feature from your Identity Provider if available.