CurrentWare Security Practices

CurrentWare Security Practices

CurrentWare is committed to the security of its platform, its customers, and their data. Here’s an overview of the security measures we take to keep the CurrentWare Suite safe.

Authentication Security

  • Password Protected: The admin console cannot be accessed without a designated password-protected Admin or Operator account
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Require Admins and Operators to provide both a username/password and a time-based one-time password (TOTP)

Privilege & Access Control

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Password-protected and selectively restricted Operator accounts are created by the administrator to provide trusted employees with access to select functions or user/PC groups within the CurrentWare Suite. 
  • Limit Data Access: Give Operators access to the data of their direct reports without providing them access to the rest of the database.
  • Restrict Privileges: Control what user/PC groups each Operator can modify security policies for, such as allowing a manager to block/unblock websites for their department only.
  • No Default External Access: Access the web console from the convenience of a web browser on any computer in your internal network, or configure optional remote access options.

Admin Activity Logs

  • Web Console Login ActivityTrack the login activity of Admins and Operators within the CurrentWare Web Console
  • BrowseControl Policy Updates Log: See when web filtering policies have been updated, the # of URLs/Categories updated, and information about the client computer that received the update
  • Admin Audit LogsThese audit logs help you answer “who did what, where, and when?” when it comes to configuration changes and data access within the CurrentWare Suite. 

Data Security

  • You Control Your Data: The CurrentWare Suite is hosted and managed by your company either on premises, through VDI, or using a cloud service provider of your choice; CurrentWare cannot access your user’s data or modify your policies
  • Custom Data Retention: Automatically delete user activity data at a set schedule using the Auto Delete Scheduler
  • Limit Data Collection: Selectively enable/disable what is being tracked or only track your users during set hours
  • HTTPS: The web console includes a self-signed SSL certificate that provides encrypted access to the web console
  • SQL Encryption: Use SQL Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to keep your user activity data safe

Client Integrity

  • Unstoppable: End-users cannot stop the client from running, ensuring your security policies and data collection continue uninterrupted.
  • Stealth Mode: Install CurrentWare in stealth mode to prevent end-users from detecting the client in their programs list.
  • Password Protected: When the client is optionally made visible to end-users it remains protected by an admin password to prevent interference.

CurrentWare’s Security Practices

third-party security vendor has completed a security assessment that validates that CurrentWare is following industry best practices to ensure the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of all of our IT assets and data.

CurrentWare has put in place an information security policy and system of controls aligned to the ISO 27001/27002 standard, with additional best practices from industry standard frameworks such as NIST 800-171, NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), and the CyberSecure Canada Baseline Controls.

For further information about CurrentWare’s security practices please contact or your CurrentWare representative.

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