Can my users stop the CurrentWare Client?

Can my users stop the CurrentWare Client?

No, CurrentWare mitigates user tampering by integrating the following protections on our CurrentWare Clients.

CurrentWare Client is installed as a service

This means that the software is installed in “stealth” mode. The program does not show up under your end users add/remove programs.
The only way to remove the software is through the administrative console software, or with an administrative password.

CurrentWare Client service cannot be stopped

The service actions on the CurrentWare Client service are made unavailable to prevent end-users from stopping it. Even when you are logged in as an administrator, if you right-click on the CurrentWare Client service, you will not be able to stop or restart the service.

Client Configuration is password protected

You can only access the CurrentWare client configurations on the local computer if you have the correct CurrentWare Client password. This password is set by the administrator during the client install and can only be changed from the CurrentWare Console.

CurrentWare Client process restarts when stopped unexpectedly

If the CurrentWare Client process is ended unexpectedly, it will restart itself immediately.

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