Subscribe to Dashboard Emails

Subscribe to Dashboard Emails

CurrentWare's dashboards empower you to make informed, data-driven decisions that enhance business productivity. Stay on top of key metrics by subscribing to your dashboard for email reports. With this feature, you can choose which dashboard pages or individual widgets are sent via email, define the date range, select users and groups, add recipients, and set the delivery frequency to ensure you’re always informed.

Prerequisite: a Chromium based browser must be installed on your CurrentWare Server for this feature to work. 

Subscribe to dashboards

Anyone with dashboard access can subscribe to any available dashboard or its widgets to receive PDF report emails directly in their inbox on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis
  1. Go to the dashboard you want to subscribe to.
  2. Click on the 'Subscribe' icon located on the top menu bar on the right.
  3. Customize your subscription by entering the following details:
    1. Name of the subscription.
    2. Choose additional options available for this dashboard's widgets, such as different tabs.
    3. Select the users/groups you want reports from.
    4. Choose the reporting period (e.g., today, yesterday, last N days, last week, last month).
    5. Set the frequency and send time (how often you want to receive the dashboard emails) – daily, weekly, or monthly.
  4. Add as many recipients as needed to the subscription.
  5. Click on the "Add Schedule" to subscribe to this dashboard.
  6. At the send time, you will receive an email containing a PDF report with your BrowseReporter data similar to what you would see on your dashboard.

Subscribe to widgets

You can subscribe to individual widgets to receive updates on specific user activity metrics
  1. Go to the dashboard widget you want to subscribe to.
  2. Click on the 'Subscribe' icon next to it.
  3. Customize your subscription using the same settings as above.
  4. Click 'Add Schedule' to complete the subscription for this widget

Managing your Dashboard Subscriptions

There are two ways to manage your dashboard subscriptions. Navigate to BrowseReporter's Manage page and click on the email account that opens up your subscription management window. Or during the process of subscribing to a dashboard, click on the "View all Dashboards" link at the bottom of the window. 

You can edit your Dashboard Subscriptions in the following ways:
  1. Edit the existing emails or add more emails to the subscriptions
  2. Change the name of the subscription. This is what you'll see in your email body
  3. Change the email send time and frequency
  4. Enable or disable subscriptions

Notes about Dashboard Emails

  1. Charts & timelines will retain their visual styles in the report.
  2. Tables max out at 25 rows (to view all the entries, log onto your web console).
  3. An average PDF file size is under 1MB.
  4. A note about table columns: the PDF report will only generate active columns displayed  from your account’s current view. Hidden columns will not be in the PDF.
  5. Exclusion list, reclassification, location settings, productivity grading are applied to the reports.
  6. Operator permissions: your User operators can only subscribe and choose users and groups they are authorized to see.
  7. When operator access isolation is enabled, User Operators can only view & edit their own subscriptions. Admin Operators can view & edit all subscriptions.
  8. Operator actions for dashboard email subscriptions are logged in the audit log. 

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