Manage remote workers outside your network

Manage remote workers outside your network

There are several ways to use CurrentWare to manage remote workers. In this article, we will discuss each method in detail and teach you how to set them up.

Connecting Through a VPN

The CurrentWare Client can use VPN to establish a connection between your remote worker’s computer and your company’s network. This will allow the CurrentWare Client to connect to the CurrentWare Server successfully.

With this setup, the system admin has to make sure the remote worker’s VPN connection can communicate with the CurrentWare Server by IP address or hostname within your network topology.

Connecting Through a Public IP Address (Port Forwarding)

When a remote worker has no VPN to the company’s network but they have Internet access, you can still manage their CurrentWare policies by allowing them to connect to the CurrentWare Server through your public IP address.

To accomplish this setup, you will need to configure your router’s port forwarding rules to allow CurrentWare port traffic through to your CurrentWare Server. You may need to contact your network administrator to help you configure your router.

During your client setup, make sure to point it to the public IP address of the CurrentWare Server’s network and not an Internal IP address.

Connecting Through a Private Cloud Based Server

The CurrentWare Server and Clients are fully compatible with the following cloud platforms:

You will need to configure your own BYOL (Bring Your Own License) instance. You will have to purchase your own instance from one of the cloud providers above and install CurrentWare to run off of that instance.

Once deployed, the CurrentWare Client will connect using the static IP address or public DNS of your virtual machine on the cloud. Your users won’t notice any interruption on their workstations.

To see more Information please visit our Cloud setup page.

No VPN and Internet

If your remote workers don’t have access to your company’s VPN and are isolated with no Internet access, there are two ways to set up CurrentWare.

Offsite mode

Each CurrentWare Client has its own database to store CurrentWare data. When a client is unable to establish a connection to the CurrentWare Server, it will refer to the cached settings from the client database. With this setup, the CurrentWare client must be installed onsite first before it is taken off the network. The client’s computer will still be restricted by CurrentWare’s policies but you will not be able to perform any updates to it or retrieve their tracked activity data.

Standalone install

standalone installation of CurrentWare is when you install the CurrentWare Server and Client on the same computer. You will have to manage these computers’ CurrentWare policies before they leave the network. Since there’s no way to connect to these computers, you’ll not be able to update their policies after they leave your network. Make sure you set everything up properly before giving the computers to your remote workers and make sure you password-protect the CurrentWare Console.

For activity reports, set up email reports and email alerts. Email reports can be sent to your inbox on a regular basis. Email alerts will trigger email notifications when policy violations occur. This only works when the remote worker has Internet access to send emails.

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