Configure Port Forwarding for Remote Workers (SQL)

Configure Port Forwarding for Remote Workers (SQL)

Connecting the CurrentWare Clients (Remote workers)

To connect your CurrentWare Clients to the CurrentWare Server over the Internet, you will need to port forward the CurrentWare traffic from your network’s router to the CurrentWare Server computer.

#1 – Configure Port Forwarding on your CurrentWare Server

First, you will need to set up your CurrentWare Server on a network that has a Public Static IP address (obtained from your Internet service provider).

Then, you will need to configure your router’s settings. On your router’s configuration page, go to the Port Forwarding Settings

Forward the CurrentWare port traffic to the LAN IP address of your CurrentWare Server
  • 8988 to 8999 (TCP and UDP) – CurrentWare Console and Clients
  • 1024 (TCP and UDP) – CurrentWare Screenshot Port
  • 443 (TCP and UDP) – Failover
  • Optional connection failover1433 & 1434 (TCP and UDP) – CurrentWare SQL Server
    • You can also change the default ports. See the Microsoft Docs on how to do this.

This is a sample picture of a router’s port forwarding configuration screen. The menu items and labels may vary.

Don’t know how to get into your router’s configuration page? Check out this resource:

#2 – Configure SQL Server Management Studio

  1. Launch the SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Log in to the SQL instance
  3. Right click on the instance that CurrentWare is stored and select properties
  4. Click on “Connections” and under the section “Remote server connections
  5. Check the option “Allow remote connections to this server

#3 – Configure SQL Server Configuration Manager

  1. Launch the SQL Server Configuration Manager
  2. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration
  3. Select Protocols
  4. Right click on the option “TCP/IP” and select “Properties
  5. Click on the IP addresses tab
  6. Scroll down to “IPAll
  7. For TCP Port, put in 1433

#4 – Installing the CurrentWare Client

Install the CurrentWare Client by running the cwClientSetup.exe file on the Client computer.

During the installation, put in the Public IP address, hostname or DDNS of the CurrentWare Server’s Network.

NOTE: If you do not have a static public IP address, see our guide on setting up a DDNS. As this is not a CurrentWare service we do not offer support on this setup.

Having issues connecting the external CurrentWare clients?

  1. Make sure the public IP address of your CurrentWare Server network has a static IP address
  2. Make sure your Firewall is not blocking the CurrentWare traffic

Connecting the CurrentWare Console

The Web Console of CurrentWare it has been made very simple to access your Administrative console from anywhere. All you need to know is the Public IP address (ex. 172.217. 22.14) where your CurrentWare server is installed on.

  1. Create your operators in the CurrentWare desktop application by going to Tools> Operators. You do not need to enable password security or stricter password policies for your operator account to work with the Web Console login page.
  2. Open the browser of your choice. The Web Console is fully function with all internet browsers.
  3. Enter your CurrentWare servers Public IP the browser URL bar with :8998 following it. An example would be 172.217. 22.14:8998.
    NOTE: on V8.0.1 and later you may need to add https:// ahead of the ip address
  4. You will get the login page. You can enter your Operator Username and Password created in step #1.

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