Set up Email alerts

Set up Email alerts

Set up an email notification alert to be notified of when a user breaches any of the defined settings. This real-time alert warns of potential trouble as it is happening.

A message is immediately triggered to administrators to help them respond immediately to excessive webpage abuse on valuable company time. The alert notification contains specifics about website infringements, allowing the administrator to immediately identify the user or client machine.

Video Guide to Setup Web-Based Alerts

The steps to set up an email alert can be found below. Email Alerts will be sent to the emails specified based on your settings.

How to create an Email Alert:

NOTE: You must have your email settings configured before creating an email alert.

  1. Choose the BrowseReporter tab on the left-hand side of the console
  2. Select Email Alerts .
  3. Click on the New Alert button.
  4. Put in the Alert Name and an email address of the recipient of the reports.
  5. Define a Threshold.
  6. Select the Computers/Users that you want to monitor.
  7. Choose the alert type that you want to monitor – URL or Category.
  8. For URL alert, an email is sent out for each URL that has reached the threshold.
  9. For Category alert, an email is sent out for each category that has reached the threshold.

Here is an example of the email alert received by the recipient:

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