System Requirements

System Requirements

CurrentWare is designed to work seamlessly with a wide range of computers running Windows operating systems, including both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. The Web Console offers exceptional versatility, as it can be accessed from any browser and any operating system within your network to easily manage administrative settings.

Additionally, the server and clients can be conveniently installed and hosted on Microsoft-based operating systems.

Software Requirements

CurrentWare is supported on local or cloud based desktop computers, virtual machines (VMs) and servers with the following operating system specifications:

CurrentWare ServerCurrentWare Clients
  • Windows 10 or 11 Pro/Enterprise
    Home edition is not supported.
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 11 Home / Pro / Enterprise
  • Windows 10 Home / Pro / Enterprise
  • Windows 8 & 8.1 Pro / Enterprise
  • Windows 7 SP1 Pro / Enterprise
  • Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022
  • Windows XP - Please contact SalesRequires specialty installation package.
  • All CurrentWare components are compatible with Remote Desktop Services (RDS), Terminal Servers (TS), and Windows-based virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).
  • Warning: It is not recommended to install CurrentWare on the same server as any Domain Controller, Exchange or WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) IIS pages or application pools. Using outdated and/or end of life versions of Windows may have some capability limitations.
  • ★Please reach out to our sales team for trial information. More AccessPatrol for Windows XP information here.

Server Hardware Requirements

All components of CurrentWare are supported on desktop computers and server computers with the following specifications:

Number of clientsRecommended Hardware Specifications for Server Running CurrentWare Suite
Up to 100 ClientsCPU: 4 Cores
Disk Space: 100+ GB of free space for SQL database, local backups, and screenshots.
SQL Database: SQL Express = ~ 2-3 months of data retention
100-500CPU: 4 – 8 Cores
RAM: 16 GB
Disk Space: 150+ GB of free space for SQL database, local backups, and screenshots.
SQL Database: SQL Express = ~ 1-2 months of data retention. SQL Standard / Enterprise Recommended
500-1000CPU: 8 – 16 Cores
RAM: 16 – 24 GB
Disk Space: 200+ GB of free space for SQL database, local backups, and screenshots.
SQL Database: SQL Express = ~ 1 month of data retention. SQL Standard / Enterprise Recommended
1000+CPU: 16 Cores
RAM: 24+ GB
Disk Space: 200+ GB of free space for SQL database, local backups, and screenshots.
SQL Database: SQL Express is not recommended. SQL Standard / Enterprise Recommended

The specifications apply to a standard user engaged in routine office tasks. If you are not running the entire CurrentWare suite your requirements may vary.

SQL Server

CurrentWare runs on SQL database and supports the following versions:

  • SQL Server 2022
  • SQL Server 2019
  • SQL Server 2017
  • SQL Server 2016
  • SQL Server 2014
  • SQL Server 2012

SQL Server Express: CurrentWare also supports SQL Server Express, which is the free version of SQL Server. It comes prepackaged with the CurrentWare Server installer. There is a 10 GB limit for SQL Express. To maintain your database to stay under the limit see this article: Database Maintenance

SQL Collation Setting: By default, the CurrentWare installer will install SQL Server Express with the correct SQL Server collation setting "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS". However, if you are opting to use your own SQL Server and you're not running an English version of Windows, your collation settings might not be fully supported. Please make sure you choose "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" during your own SQL Server installation to avoid any issues. 

AlertInstallation Note: SQL Server cannot be installed on a compressed hard drive. 

CurrentWare Client Footprint

The CurrentWare Client can be installed on your computers remotely and silently. It is lightweight and requires minimal system requirements to run. It runs discreetly and its impact on performance is minimal.

The CurrentWare Client tracks computer activities and stores the data locally. The data is uploaded to the CurrentWare server every few minutes.

Key Metrics:

  • Total installed file size of the CurrentWare Client is less than 15 MB.
  • Total CPU memory usage is between 12-15 MB.
  • Total local data storage is less than 1 MB.
  • Total daily average data collected from the CurrentWare Client is less than 1 MB.

NOTE: To install the CurrentWare Client the PC must have a local C:\ Drive.

Network Requirements

All of the following network ports must be opened on the firewall of the machine hosting the CurrentWare server. If you are connecting your client computers from outside your network, you will need to configure port forwarding on your router.

Based on your solution(s) installed you may have different port requirements. See the proper tab below for your ports needed.

Ports and ProtocolWhat the ports handle
8989-8992, 8995-8999 TCP/UDPClient+Console connection and data upload ports
8988 TCP/UDPLive Capture feature – OPTIONAL – For BrowseReporter live capture feature
8993 TCP/UDPScreenshots Upload – For BrowseReporter screen capture
1433-1434 TCP/UDPFor SQL Database only – OPTIONAL – If you find the 899x range ports are not providing dataflow

Compatible Browsers

CurrentWare is compatible with the following browsers for filtering and monitoring Internet activities. You can also access the CurrentWare Web Console from any browser.

  • Web Filtering: Out-of-the box, CurrentWare supports the most common browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge Chromium, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Brave. See a list of the default browsers BrowseControl supports.
  • Internet Monitoring: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge Chromium, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Brave.
CurrentWare browsers are exclusively tested on official release versions. Performance and functionality on beta or developer editions may not be fully compatible.

Do you support Virtual Machines (VDI)?

Yes, the CurrentWare Server and Clients can be installed on local or cloud-based virtual machines running Windows. CurrentWare is compatible with the following virtual machines (VDI or RDP):

  • VMware
  • Parallels
  • VirtualBox
  • Oracle VM
  • Virtual-PC
  • Hyper-V
  • AWS Amazon Workspaces (VDI)
  • Azure Virtual Desktop (VDI)
  • Google Cloud Virtual Desktop (VDI)

Do you support Citrix?

Yes, CurrentWare is verified to be Citrix Ready for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service (XenApp & XenDesktop service). You can install the CurrentWare Clients on your Citrix Workspace running Windows.

What about support Citrix Published applications / Seamless agent ?

Yes, CurrentWare works with Citrix Published applications. There is an option to enable improved tracking accuracy when using Citrix Published applications with the Citrix Seamless agent. Learn More

Do you support Windows 10/11 Kiosk mode?

No, CurrentWare is a service that needs to run in the background. When put in Kiosk mode the PC locks up the services outside of the necessary services to run the edge browser.

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