How do I install CurrentWare?

How do I install CurrentWare?

There are two components you need to install to get CurrentWare running on your network.

  1. CurrentWare Server and Console
  2. CurrentWare Clients

1. Installing the CurrentWare Server & Console

Pick a computer to install the CurrentWare Server/Console on. Usually, this is installed on a person’s computer or server that is responsible for managing the other computers on the network.

Recommended install locations:

Note: When installing CurrentWare, there is a prerequisite to install SQL Express 2017 as it is the database used for the CurrentWare Server if no other SQL Server is on the network.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Run the CurrentWare.exe setup file
    • You may be prompted to install SQL Express, prior to the CurrentWare installation starting.
  2. Accept the terms in the License Agreement.
  3. Enter the SQL Database login information. This was provided during the SQL Prerequisite install if you needed to go through those steps.
    • Clicking on “Help! What’s my password” will show you the credentials once again for a default install.
  4. The four CurrentWare Solutions will install:
    • AccessPatrol: Block USB and external devices
    • BrowseControl: Web Filter and Application Blocking
    • BrowseReporter: Internet and Application Activity Tracking
    • enPowerManager: Remote Power Management
  5. The Installer will proceed to install the CurrentWare Server, Web Console, Legacy Console and the solutions onto your computer

Note: Unlicensed solutions are automatically removed.

Next Step: Obtain your cwServer computer name for the client install

Go to Start menu > type in CMD and press the enter key to launch the command prompt. In command prompt, type in Hostname. This will display the computer name of your CurrentWare Server. Write this down, you will need to for the client install.

2. Allow the CurrentWare Communication Ports

To allow seamless communications for the Currentware Clients and Server, you will need to ensure that your network traffic can flow over these ports:

CurrentWare Ports: Both TCP & UDP - 8988-8999 (Socket Ports), 443(Https), 1433-1434 (SQL- Only as a failover if other ports fail)  

8988 TCP/UDP – Live Capture 
8989 TCP/UDP – Client Connection Port
8990 TCP/UDP – Console Connection Port
8991 TCP/UDP – Client Connection Port
8992 TCP/UDP – Client Data Upload
8993 TCP/UDP – Screen Capture
8994 TCP/UDP – HTTPS Filtering
8995 TCP/UDP – URL Retrieval Socket
8996 TCP/UDP – Webservice Port
8997 TCP/UDP – Rest API
8998 TCP/UDP – Webconsole
8999 TCP/UDP – URL Retrieval Socket Failover
3050 TCP/UDP – Firebird Database (Only v6.0.0 or older)
1433 TCP/UDP – For SQL Database only
1434 TCP/UDP – For SQL Database only
443 TCP/UDP – For Port Forward setup only

3. Make Exclusions on your Antivirus Software

In order to ensure the Server and Client installs go smoothly, allow exclusions through your Antivirus software.

See this KB for the files and paths to exclude, as well as direct links to some common antivirus software exclusion pages.

4. Installing the CurrentWare Client

The CurrentWare Client is required to be installed on the computers you want to manage. There are four methods to install the CurrentWare Clients.

Install Method #1 – Run the cwClientSetup.exe Setup File Locally

This is the easiest and most straightforward method to install the CurrentWare Client.

Take the CurrentWare Client setup file from your CurrentWare Server computer and run it locally on each computer you want to manage. You may want to put the setup file on a USB key or on your network drive for easy access.

The cwClientSetup.exe setup file is located in the following directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CurrentWare\cwClient\cwClientSetup.exe

Run the cwClientSetup.exe to begin your installation.

CurrentWare Server Name: The installer will ask you for the IP address or computer name of the CurrentWare Server to establish a connection. Make sure you have this information handy during the Client installation.

Client Password: You may change the CurrentWare Client password during the installation (the default CurrentWare Client password is Admin).

After the CurrentWare Client is installed, it will connect to your CurrentWare Console and show up on the computer list.

Install Method #2 – Active Directory Client Deployment

Install Method #3 – Command Line Deployment

For installs involving a large number of client computers, you can use this CurrentWare Client Install command line to perform the installation.

Z:\cwClientSetup.exe /qn ALLUSERS=1 USERPARAMS="-p Admin -ds" /norestart

Replace the values that are bolded in the command line.

  1. Replace Z:\ with the network location of your cwClientSetup.exe file.
  2. Replace the value after -ds with your CurrentWare Server IP Address or Computer Name

Optional Parameters:

  • /qn: Install the CurrentWare Client in Quiet mode
  • /norestart: the computer will not restart after the install
  • -g foldername: Replace “foldername” with a CurrentWare Console PC group. The client will automatically install into the folder added to the parameter.

Install Method #4 – Remote Client Install from the console

How to use the Remote Client Install feature

  1. Open your CurrentWare web console.
  2. Go to Tools > Deploy Clients
  3. The Client Installer Path, and CurrentWare Server Settings will be pre-filled.

Important! the option “Reboot Client systems after installation” will restart your client computer after the remote install. Leave this option unchecked if you prefer not to restart the computers.

  1. Choose the NEXT button in the bottom right corner
  2. Add the computer name or IP address of the computers you want to install the CurrentWare Clients on. You can also import a text list of your PC names/IPs.

5. Local Install Video

6. Remote Install Video

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