The use of these fake activity software are lowering overall employee productivity while employees could be doing personal tasks or unproductive activities while on company time. As a result, these software are costing companies valuable time and more importantly, money.
To protect against the potential for data manipulation through the use of mouse manipulation software or physical devices that mimic computer activity, it is essential to be aware of these potential sources of inaccuracy. Most of the programs that an employee will use, run silently on the computer.
Through BrowseControl, you can prevent the use of programs such as mouse movement replicators by using the app blocker and adding the corresponding .exe file to the blocked list.
To double down on security measures to ensure future employees don’t have access to these software’s, an administrator can future proof by blocking the webpages in which these services are being offered. This can be done through the use of BrowseControl’s URL blocking feature. To do this, all the administrator will have to do is add the sites URL to the blocked list
A more broad stroke approach would be to set up category filter within BrowseControl to hinder the searching of these applications. This can be done by selecting corresponding categories to the blocked list within “Category Filtering”.
are countless different programs that an employee can use to simulate
mouse and keyboard movement. The most common application an admin could
run into include: MouseMover, MouseJiggler, caffeine, movemouse,
If you are looking to block these programs, check out our BrowseReporter best practices related to mouse movers.
You may also reach out to for further information.