What is BrowseReporter?

What is BrowseReporter?

BrowseReporter is a powerful employee monitoring software that enables companies to track your employees’ internet activities.

BrowseReporter captures the websites your employees visited. It includes a powerful reporting utility for generating tabular and graphical websites visited reports. It runs in stealth mode.

BrowseReporter Features

Internet MonitoringTrack user web browsing activities
Web Activity Reports15+ different detailed reports
Track Application UsageTrack employee computer usage on Windows applications
Remote Screen CaptureSee what your users are doing in real-time
Bandwidth TrackingFind users that are hogging the network’s bandwidth
Email ReportsAutomatically email reports of employee web usage to managers
Email AlertsSend email alerts to authorities when user browsing has violated company web policies
Stealth ModeRuns in stealth so that users are unaware.

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