Web Console Login Issues

Web Console Login Issues

When the CurrentWare Web Console is not configured properly, you will encounter the error message
"Error connecting to the server."

1. Clear your Browser Cache

Why does my Web Console login screen open on one web browser but won’t open on a different one?

This issue is usually caused by a caching issue of your web browser. To do solve this issue you will need to clear the Cache of the browser that the Web Console will not open on. Opening the page via incognito or inPrivate mode will usually help confirm this.

NOTE: You may also need to close your browser completely and reopen it for the flush to complete properly.

2. Fix your Web Console app-config.json file

App-config.json is one of the CurrentWare Web Console configuration files. When the CurrentWare app-config.json file is misconfigured, your browser will not be able to communicate with the CurrentWare Server and database properly.

This can happen when:

  • I renamed my CurrentWare Server.
  • I changed my Rest API port in the IIS manager.

To fix this issue, verify the app-config.json file:

  1. On your cwserver computer, browse to to C:\Program Files (x86)\CurrentWare\cwWebConsole\WebConsole\app-config.json
  2. Right click the app-config.json file and open with notepad.
  3. Your configuration should look like this:

    For CurrentWare V8.0.1+

For CurrentWare V8.0.0 or lower

  1. Replace the computer-name with the hostname of your cwServer.
  2. Go to start menu > search IIS and open the IIS manager
  3. On the left hand side, expand the list to Sites > RestAPI. Right click on it > Manage Website > Restart.
  4. Select Sites > WebConsole. Right click on it > Manage Website > Restart.
  5. Go to CWSM > Database > Selection and apply the current database selection (Firebird or SQL) once again to update the correct connection string.

Note: You may need to clear your browser cache after making these changes- See step #1

3. Check that the log on service is correct

In rare cases based of various local settings the logon service may not correctly set. Here is how to verify they are properly set and the cwServer service is running. This step is only relevant if your cwServer service is not running and fails to start.

The service logon will depend on what SQL Server authentication you chose during the database connection. In a majority of cases you will be SQL Authentication, but in domain environments you may be setup for Windows Authentication.

  1. Select your Windows search option and search for Services.msc
  2. Find the cwServer service. It should not be set to running. If you try to start it, it should fail.

  1. Right-click the cwServer service and go to Properties > Logon

  2. The Local System account should be selected. In some outlier cases you may need to switch to ‘This account’ and apply. Then swap back to Local System account.

4. Ensure ASP .Net Core Module v2 is installed

I still am unable to login to the Web Console

Check that your Rest API is running and that the ASP .Net Core Module v2 is installed.

  1. Go to start menu > search IIS and open the IIS manager
  2. In the left-hand menu, choose to expand your PC name and choose the Sites folder. Make sure the RestAPI and WebConsole are showing Started under the Status column

  1. Double click the RestAPI site.
  2. Find and select to open the Modules option

  1. Sort the name column and ensure that the AspNetCoreModulev2 is in the list.

  1. If the AspNetCoreModulev2 is not there you will need to repair/reinstall the ASPNetCore. You can download and install it from the Microsoft site.

    For CurrentWare V8.0.1+
    Microsoft .NETCore 6.0

    For CurrentWare V8.0.0 or lower
    Microsoft .NETCore 3.1
  2. After running the installer to repair/reinstall the ASPNetCore3.1.6 module, go back to your IIS, choose your RestAPI site and choose to restart it from the right-hand menu.

5. Set up your Port Forwarding Rules

I setup my Port Forwarding rules for the correct ports. I can access it on my network but not from another remote location.

After port forwarding, a change must be done on the following JSON file to include the public URL.

  1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\CurrentWare Web Console\WebConsole folder and find the app-config.json file.
  2. Right-click on the file and click Edit to open the editor window to edit the API URL.
  3. Replace the SystemName/IP address with your public IP Address.
  4. Example: Existing entry is “http://webconsole:8997/api/ then replace it with “
  5. Then go to IIS manager, and restart Rest API and Web Console websites from the right-hand menu.

6. Firefox won’t open my Web Console (v8.0.1+)

Firefox has some default restrictions that are different from Edge, Chrome, and other browsers. This causes issues when pages try to load a locally hosted HTTPS certificate. To see the steps to resolve this issue please see this KB.

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