Daily and Weekly Summary Emails

Daily and Weekly Summary Emails

The Daily and Weekly Summary Emails let administrators know how their team is doing across various computer activities including the websites and applications they’ve been using, the external devices they’re accessing, and the files they’re transferring.

These emails provide you with a daily and/or weekly overview of your team’s activities, productivity, and security to ensure they’re working as expected and their computers are protected. 

Related: How to Set Up Weekly Performance Reports

Daily Summary Reports Overview
Here’s what the daily CurrentWare Summary email contains: 
2. User Average Productive Time
3. User Average Active Time
4. The Number of Users Connected 
5. The productivity score of users worked in office
6. The Most Unproductive Website or App used
7. The number of users blocked
8. The number of activities blocked
9. The most website or application attempts
10. The Number of Devices Blocked
11. The Number of Files Copied 
12. The Most Copied File Type

Weekly Summary Reports Overview
Here’s what the weekly CurrentWare summary email contains: 
1. Productivity Score
2. User Average Productive Time
3. User Average Active Time
4. The Number of Users Connected 
5. Productivity Score in Office
6. The Most Unproductive Website or App Visited
7. The Number of Users Blocked
8. The Number of Activities Blocked
9. The Most Blocked Website or App Visit Attempts
10. The Number of Devices Blocked
11. The Number of Files Copied 
12. The Most Copied File Type

Daily BrowseReporter Summary Reports Overview
Here’s what the daily BrowseReporter Summary email contains:
1. Productivity Score
2. User Average Productive Time
3. User Average Active Time
4. The Number of Users Connected 
5. The Number of Users Worked in Office
6. The Most Unproductive Website or App Visited
7. A list of your most unproductive users, their total unproductive time, and their top 3 most unproductive activities
8. A list of your most inactive users, and their total idle time

Weekly BrowseReporter Summary Reports Overview
Here’s what the weekly BrowseReporter summary email contains: 
1. Productivity Score
2. User Average Productive Time
3. User Average Active Time
4. The Number of Users Connected 
5. The Number of Users Worked in Office
6. The Most Unproductive Website or App Visited
7. A list of your most unproductive users, their total unproductive time, and their most unproductive activities


Email Delivery Schedule

Daily summary emails are sent out daily at 11 AM server time recapping the insights from the day before. 

Weekly summary emails are sent out every Monday at 11 AM server time recapping the insights from the week before. The computer where the CurrentWare server is hosted must be running during the scheduled times for the emails to send.

Enabling Daily and Weekly Summary Emails

By default, the daily and weekly summary emails are sent to the email address you put in during the installation process.

You can turn the email notifications on/off & add more recipients from Settings > Emails > Summary Emails.

If your organization operates a 7-day work week, you can enable daily summary emails to be sent on weekends as well by selecting the ‘Include weekends’ option.

The daily summary email is available for customers with a valid BrowseReporter subscription. Whereas the weekly summary email is available for customers with a valid BrowseReporter, BrowseControl and/or AccessPatrol subscriptions. The summary emails are sent from notifications@currentware.com.

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