SQL 2012 Troubleshooting steps

SQL 2012 Troubleshooting steps

Windows Server 2012 R2 uses old and outdated technologies. Since the newer versions of SQL tend to install smoothly it is recommended to use a SQL 2016/17/19 instance. If you run into issues installing SQL when using SQL 2012 here are steps to resolve them.

Here is a list of possible issues you may run into and resolutions.

If your SQL server is also a Domain Controller

  1. SQL and Domain Controllers are not recommended to be installed at the same location.
  2. If it necessary to install a SQL instance on a Domain Controller, or you have already installed the SQL instance; follow the appropriate knowledge base steps here.

The CurrentWare Server service won’t start

  1. Open services.msc
    • May need to be run as an administrator
  2. Scroll to CurrentWare Server service
  3. Right-click > Properties on CurrentWare Server service
  4. Go to the Log On tab
  5. Switch to Local System Account > Apply
  6. Switch back to This Account > enter Domain credentials (domain/administrator) > Apply
  7. Try starting the CurrentWare Server service again

The CurrentWare install has failed prematurely

A. Check Currentware.log under C:\ and see if IIS or .NET failed

      If IIS installation step(s) have a FATAL ERROR, it likely needs to be installed manually.
It can be done through the Server Manager:

  1. Open Server Manager and click Manage > Add Roles and Features > Next
  2. Select Role-based or feature-based installation > Next
  3. Select the appropriate server. The local server is selected by default > Next
  4. Enable Web Server (IIS) > Next
  5. No additional features are necessary to install the Web Adaptor > Next
  6. On the Web Server Role (IIS) dialog box > Next
  7. On the Select role services dialog box, verify that the web server components listed below are enabled > Next
  8. Verify that your settings are correct and click Install

B. Error: Cannot connect to SQL Server

  1. Open SQL Config Manager (if it’s not a separate install, go through Computer Management > Services and Applications > SQL Server Configuration Manager

  1. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration
  2. Select Protocols for SQLEXPRESS (or your server instance name)
  3. Select TCP/IP > Right click > Properties
  4. Under IP Addresses tab go to IPAll > Enter 1433

  1. Restart SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service
  2. Try connecting again

C. ODBC timeout issue while trying to connect to SQL.

This Error is usually related to TLS 1.0 connection protocol.
If you or your security team has disabled TLS 1.0, some SQL versions still use this protocol.

  1. Enable TLS 1.0 for installation (you can disable TLS 1.0 once again after installation completes)
  2. If help is needed to turn it on, you can use IISCrypto to enable: https://www.nartac.com/Products/IISCrypto

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