Renamed The CurrentWare Server PC

Renamed The CurrentWare Server PC

If you renamed your CurrentWare server PC and find yourself having issues opening your web console, it’s likely due to the backend SQL connection properties.

The easiest way to fix this issue is to do a quick uninstall and reinstall of the server software.

All of your data and settings will still be in place, reinstalling will not affect any of it. This is saved on the database and is separate from the console.

Here is the easiest and quickest way to fix this issue:

  1. Uninstall CurrentWare through the Windows Control Panel. From Control Panel > Programs and Features > Find CurrentWare, select it and “Uninstall”.
  2. Download the latest version. If you do not have the latest installer it is available here, or need to reinstall an older version; reach out to the support team via email to get that install package.
  3. Run the Currentware.exe and go through the installation steps.
    You will need to re-enter the SQL login information. The default information is:
    Username: sa
    Password: Currentware123!
  4. Once the install completes you should now be able to login and continue using the solutions
  5. A PC restart is recommended.
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