My users cannot access a website that is on the Allowed list

My users cannot access a website that is on the Allowed list

Is a website in your allowed list still being blocked or is not displaying properly on your browser? Are you trying to identify what websites BrowseControl is blocking? Other URLs that are required for the website to load may still be blocked.

BrowseControl has a built-in option to help you find out what websites BrowseControl is blocking. This option is disabled by default because it logs a lot of entries on your computer. It is recommended that you disable this option after troubleshooting issues.

Enable Logging of Blocked URLs

Please follow the steps below to turn on the option of logging blocked URLs:

  1. On the CurrentWare Web Console, select the Settings option.
  2. Click on BrowseControl from the menu on the Settings menu.
  3. Choose Client Settings from the menu bar.
  4. Select the group you want to enable the Blocked URL log on from the drop-down menu.
  5. Check the option “Enable logging of blocked URLs”.

After enabling the blocked URL log, conduct the following steps to allow the website being blocked by BrowseControl

  1. On the client computer – Browse the website that you wish to allow and unblock from BrowseControl
  2. Go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wcsystck\Logs on the client computer.
  3. Open the cwBlockedUrls.log file and it will give you a text file of the all the URLs that are getting blocked.
  4. Go to the BrowseControl solution on the left-hand menu of the CurrentWare Web Console.
  5. Select the URL filter  button.
  6. You can manually add the URL from the cwBlockedUrls.logs by typing it into the add box.
    • You can also import the cwBlockedUrls.log by choosing the import option  from the top right of the URL Filter screen.

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