My Computer is Not Booting Up

My Computer is Not Booting Up

If you are having issues with enPowerManager not booting up your machines, you will need to configure the computers to enable Wake-On-LAN.

BIOS Settings

The Wake-On-LAN functionality is generally disabled by default. The option to enable Wake-On-LAN is different with each computer manufacturer. The most common method adopted across different PC’s are as follows

  1. Enter the BIOS Settings page.
  2. Select power settings and search for settings related to Wake on LAN or Power up on PCI card, LAN or network. (varies based on manufacturers).
  3. Enable these settings and save the BIOS.

Hardware Settings

  1. To send WOL packets from remote networks, the routers must be configured to allow directed broadcasts. We advise you to contact your ISP or System administrator for specific instructions.

Windows Settings

This applies to Windows 8 or above

  1. Go to Device Manager (Start > Run > devmgmt.msc)
  2. Check for the Network Adapters list and open the properties of the specific Adapter.

  1. Go to the Power Management tab.
  2. Ensure the option ‘Allow this device to wake the computer’ is checked.
  3. Ensure the option ‘only allow magic packets to wake this computer’ is unchecked.

  1. Go to the Advanced tab.
  2. In the Property list, enable ‘Wake on Magic Packet’ and ‘Shutdown wake on LAN’.

  1. Click OK and close the Device Manager.
  2. Open Control Panel>Power Options
  3. From the left side menu, select ‘Choose what the power buttons do’

  1. Select ‘Change settings that are currently available.’
  2. Scroll down and disable ‘Turn on fast startup (Recommended)
  3. Save changes and exit the window.

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