I am not getting any Bandwidth activities in my reports

I am not getting any Bandwidth activities in my reports

If you are not seeing any bandwidth data in your reports from BrowseReporter, here are some ways to troubleshoot the issue.

Reinstall the Client Agent

You may be experiencing issues with user permissions for the client agent on the computer. Uninstall the client agent and run the cwClient.exe as an administrator.

Run UpdateGenerator Tool

The server might be experiencing issues retrieving the bandwidth data from the client computers. Run the update generator tool on the server computer to resolve the issue:

Run UpdateGenerator.exe on the cwServer

  1. Go to start menu > services.msc > Look for the CurrentWare Server service > right-click > Stop
  2. Download the UpdateGenerator.exe file onto the CurrentWare Server computer (Download link: https://www.currentware.com/downloads/tools/UpdateGenerator.zip)
  3. Put the UpdateGenerator.exe file inside the C:\Program Files(x86)\CurrentWare\cwConsole\ folder and run it.

Review Log Files

Check cwClient.log from the affected client computer without bandwidth data and see if there is an upload error. The log file can be found in the following folder path


If you cannot find an upload error please email the following files to our support team at support@currentware.com


Contact Support

If you are still experiencing issues with missing bandwidth data in your reports, please contact our support team at support@currentware.com or call 1-888-912-9619 x 2

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