Enable the HTTPS Certificate in Firefox

Enable the HTTPS Certificate in Firefox

Firefox has some default restrictions that are different from Edge, Chrome, and other browsers. This causes issues when pages try to load a locally hosted HTTPS certificate. Please follow these steps to resolve

Step 1: Enabled Security Enterprise Roots in FireFox

  1. Open your FireFox browser and enter “about:config” into your URL bar

  1. Search “security.enterprise_roots.enabled” and make sure it is set to “True

Step 2: Adding the Security Certificate into FireFox


Start by opening Chrome/Edge and navigating to your CurrentWare console.

  1. Click on the lock icon next to the URL
  2. Then on Connection is secure

  1. a. CHROME: Click on Certificate is Valid

  1. b.  EDGE: Click the certificate button at the top right

  1. In the new window, click on the Details tab and then Export
  2. You can save it to your desktop for easy access.
  3. Double click on the certificate you just saved
  4. Click the “Install Certificate…”  button
  5. On the next screen, select the Local Machine radio button and click Next
  6. Click on the “Place all certificates in the following store” and click Browse
  7. Choose the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities and click OK

  1. Click Next and then Finish

The import should be successful and you can now access the Web Console once you restart Firefox.

If you would like to access the console from elsewhere on your network using Firefox, you will need to import the same certificate to each PC with Firefox needing access to it. 

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