Change the local Web Console access URL

Change the local Web Console access URL

Once you have the CurrentWare Web Console installed, you will notice the URL to access it will be generally the PC Hostname of the CurrentWare server. An example would be desktop-kqwe123qw:8998. There are a couple steps involved with changing the name of the URL link to have easier management access.

1. Modifying the app-config.JSON file on your CurrentWare Server

To get the CurrentWare Web Console to use the custom web URL, you will need to update the app-config.json to point to the new domain.

On the cwServer computer, browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\CurrentWare\cwWebConsole\WebConsole\. Open the app-config.JSON file in notepad. Change the “http://NAME:8997/api/” to something you would rather use.

Here I changed the URL from Desktop-x:8997 to currentware:8997

2. DNS Mapping

After the URL is changed in the .JSON file on your cwServer, you will need to configure your computer or router to map the CurrentWare Web Console domain to your cwServer IP address.

There are two ways to to this:

  1. Editing the hosts file locally on your computers
  2. Editing the DNS Server on your network devices (i.e. Router / Modem)

They must also update the host file on their computers to get past the login.

Option 1: Edit Your Hosts File locally

Use the hosts file to map the new domain to your server’s IP address. When you type in the new name with :8998 on your browser, it will automatically point to the IP address of your CurrentWare Server.

You will need to modify the hosts file on all of your IT administrator’s computers.

  1. On your computer, browse to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\.
  2. Right click on the hosts file and select Open with > Notepad.
  3. Add the following entry to the bottom of this file.

LAN IP address New name

  1. Save the hosts file. If it says you don’t have permission to save this file, you can save it in a different location and copy it over to the folder and overwrite it. When you’re saving the hosts file, make sure you select “All Files” as the Save as type and NOT txt. If you save the hosts file as txt, the DNS mapping will not work.

Option 2: Modifying the DNS settings on your router

Instead of editing the hosts file on your computers, you can opt to modify the DNS settings on your router. By doing this, you are asking your router to resolve the custom domain URL, to the IP address of your CurrentWare Server. This can be done by visiting your router configuration page.

Every router configuration is different. Follow your router’s user guide to find out how to modify the DNS settings.

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