Change the CurrentWare Database Backup Location

Change the CurrentWare Database Backup Location

Using the CurrentWare application to backup only gives you the option to use the default SQL folder backup location. The backup must be in the default folder for SQL to recognize it. This page will help you change the location for the backups.

To use a different location for your backup you will need to download and install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Find the download for SQL Server Management Studio here: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

Once you have Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS) installed, follow the steps to guide you through changing the location.

  1. After connecting to the appropriate instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine, in Object Explorer, expand the server tree.
  1. Expand the Databases, right-click CWNPSQL, select Tasks, and then select Back Up.

  1. On the General page in the Destination section select Disk from the “Back up to:” drop-down list.
  1. Select Add and the Select Backup Destination dialog box will open.

  1. Enter the path and file name in the File name text box and use .bak as the extension.
  1. Select OK and then OK again to start the backup.
  1. When the backup completes successfully, select OK to close the SQL Server Management Studio dialog box.

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