Bulk Update Your Device Allowed List

Bulk Update Your Device Allowed List

If you need to update multiple group Allowed lists at once, you are able to add devices to multiple groups. This is great for when you get new devices that need to be allowed through multiple groups within your CurrentWare console.

Steps to bulk update your device allowed list

  1. Open the CurrentWare web console
  2. Select AccessPatrol from the left-hand side
  3. Choose the Allowed List option 
  4. Once the Allowed List is opened select the “Add from available devices” button
  5. Here you can select the devices you would need to add to multiple Allowed Lists
  6. Hit the white down arrow beside “Add to Allowed list” and select the Add to Multiple groups option

  1. The pop-up will allow you to choose which groups you want to add the allowed device onto. Select all the groups that are applicable

  1. Choose add to allowed list

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