Automatically add any new computers or users to Report Profiles

Automatically add any new computers or users to Report Profiles

Administrators have the ability to set report profiles to automatically update when adding new computers or users into groups that are part of a report profile.

In this example, the Sales group has 4 users, by enabling the option “Keep report profile updated“, any new computers or users that join the Sales group will be added to this report profile automatically, which will update your email reports and email alerts.

This option is available in BrowseReporter and AccessPatrol.

Enabling this option in BrowseReporter

  1. Open the CurrentWare web console
  2. Choose Settings from the left hand menu
  3. Go to BrowseReporter and select Report Profiles
  4. Select the folder that you want to auto-update from the top dropdown and enable the checkbox for “Keep report profile updated”

Enabling this option in AccessPatrol

  1. Open the CurrentWare web console
  2. Choose Settings from the left hand menu
  3. Go to AccessPatrol and select Report Profiles
  4. Select the folder that you want to auto-update from the top dropdown and enable the checkbox for “Keep report profile updated”

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